Contact ContactTAPICEROMANIAK Jana Pawła II 7 05-077, Warszawa - Wesoła PHONE: 604 111 429 EMAIL: Imię i nazwisko (wymagane) Adres email (wymagane) Temat Treść wiadomości Dodaj załącznik (max. 5mb) I agree to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the Law on the protection of personal data in connection with the implementation of the application. Providing the data is voluntary, but necessary to process the query. I have been informed that I have the right to access my data, the possibility of correcting it, requesting discontinuation of its processing. The personal data administrator is: Paulina Rabiega Tapiceromaniak z siedzibą przy ul.Diamentowej 2a/9, 05-077, Warszawa.